Lighthouse Catholic Media, distributes faith building media to over 7,500+ parishes including, CDs, books, and other media.
Click on this link to download the Ignatius Bible mobile app.

Sacred Heart Major Seminary based in Detroit Michigan is a premier seminary, offering excellence in theological and philosophical education. It provides formation of zealous exemplary priests, permanent deacons and their lay co-workers. It operates in union with mind of the Church and the Holy Father for the New Evangelization.
Official web site of the Archdiocese of Detroit and St. John’s Center for Youth and Family.
Defenders of the Catholic Faith. Steve Ray’s web site. Apologetics and source for The Footprints of God video series.
The Bravehearts Catholic Men’s Ministry is founded on four fundamental values: FAITH, COURAGE, FIDELITY and COMMITMENT with the mission of inspiring men to live out their lives as true son’s of the King.
Marian Center in Joy Valley Michigan (just outside of Petoskey MI). This site contains the latest happenings at the Marian Center. Conferences, Pilgrimages and more…
The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) site, conducts research, consultation, publishing and education to promote human dignity in health care and the life sciences, and derives its message directly from the teachings of the Catholic Church
Our Sunday Visitor catholic publishers of a national weekly newspaper, books, magazines, bulletin inserts, pamphlets.
Teresa Tomeo’s web site. Teresa hosts Catholic Connection on Ave Maria Radio in the morning. She also speaks out about issues in the public media. Go here to find how you can take action against violence and vulgarity dominating the airwaves.
Ave Maria Radio 990 AM. Michigan’s Catholic radio Station with, Teresa Tomeo, Catholic Answers and more.
Catholic Information Center on the Internet – Provides access to leading Catholic magazines and newspapers, papal encyclicals, Church documents, and access to Catholic News Services and other breaking Catholic articles.
Couple To Couple League web site. This site is dedicated to the pro-life practice of Natural Family Planning and is a great resource for NFP information.
EWTN Catholic broadcasting. The de-facto Catholic television and radio resource. Catholic programming including Catholic broadcasts from the Vatican and other news resources. Full document library including links to audio and video resources.
The Magnificat is the publication that provides the daily Roman Missal for use during Mass. It is published in several languages. There is also a mobile app for disowned devices. Additionally there is a kids version which is an excellent resource to help our children become familiar with Catholic Liturgy.
Papal Encyclical Search Site. Great web site to search the Vatican library and find the Papal Encyclical or Letter your might be looking for.
The Holy See. Vatican network. Papal encyclicals, letters, speeches…Also Vatican news
Catholic Answers. Online radio show, Catholic apologetics and evangelization references.
Catholic Online. Great starting point for accessing Catholic news and resources.
The Catholic League is the nation’s largest Catholic civil rights organization. This site is an excellent site for news regarding controversies and discrimination regarding the Catholic Faith.
Jimmy Akin Roman Catholic Apologetics, Cannon Law and Doctrinal information. Jimmy a co-host of Catholic Answers Live radio show.
New Advent. Catholic Encyclopedia, Summa Theologica, Early father documents. Quick access to current Catholic happenings and other informational resources.
National Conference of Catholic Bishops / United States Catholic Conference web site. Excellent resource containing information on news from the Holy See, daily readings, New American Bible, Catechism, movie reviews, publications and tons more…
Scott Hahn’s web site. The Institute of Applied Biblical Studies, Additional links, and other great, solid Catholic information. Also Scott’s speaking schedule is available.